If meditation feels unattainable to you, trust me, I’ve been there. It always sounded like a nice idea, one that required a lot of working towards before I’d ever experience the benefits, but that couldn’t have been farther from the truth. Meditation is for anyone and everyone. If you’re seeking peace or increased mindfulness, Meditation is for you. In this post I’ll be sharing my tips for meditation for beginners-tips that you can start today!
If you’re seeking peace, mindfulness, or a life of intention, meditation is for you.
Meditation for Beginners: WHY Meditate?
What is meditation? Simply put, meditation is a practice of mindfulness that helps you to establish better control over your own mind, allowing yourself to create a mental space of peace.
“Peace” might be the only word necessary to describe the benefits of meditation-enough said, right? Well here are a few more benefits of meditation posted by the Mayo Clinic:
- Increased ability to see situations in a new light
- Mental stamina and resources to handle stress
- Increased awareness of the present and the self
- Increase of creativity, positivity, and patience
- Better sleep
- Reduced heart rate and blood pressure
To see a larger list of the benefits of meditation, visit the Mayo Clinic.

My Story: Why I Started Meditating
Amidst preparing to move to a new country (Panama), while learning a new language (Spanish), and making major life changes, all while at the age of 19, I started experiencing intense anxiety. I had regular panic attacks and felt that I was living in a constant “fight or flight” response for weeks on end. I was unable to eat, dropping weight rapidly, shivering constantly, and I knew something needed to change.
When I finally talked with a counselor, one of the most useful tools I was given was BREATHWORK. As I continued to practice specific breathing exercises, I could noticeably feel a difference in my body’s response to the stress I was under. I was already in the practice of praying regularly and this breathwork was an additional reminder to me to find peace in the present.
Finding peace in the present.
I continued to learn and practice forms of prayer and mindfulness over the years, and when I became pregnant with our son, meditation became a huge part of my birth preparation. And honestly, I am SO grateful for that preparation. I was in labor for 39 hours (two nights of zero sleep), and meditation and prayer kept me going and served as a form of rest for my mind when I hadn’t slept in days. Meditation was incredibly instrumental in my labor and delivery.
Since then, mindfulness and meditation practices have continued to bless my life!
How to Start: Meditation for Beginners
Meditation isn’t always what people think- you don’t have to sit cross-legged on the floor in total silence for 10 minutes if that’s not going to work for you.
Consider beginning with the following types of mindfulness and meditation. Please keep in mind that I am not offering medical advice. For medical or mental health advice, please consult with a healthcare or mental health professional. These are simply my own positive experiences with meditation and mindfulness.
Breathwork requires you to intentionally breathe in certain patterns that put the mind in control and relax the body. The good news is there are some really simple forms of breathwork that you can implement immediately, and it’s a great way to get into meditation for beginners! Here are the two that I started with and regularly use to this day:
Belly Breaths:
This could also be considered deep, diaphragmatic breathing. Rather than letting your shoulders rise and fall in tight contractions while you breathe, take deep breaths that stem from your belly. When you breathe in, your belly should widen, as if you’re filling it with air. As you take slow exhales, your belly will fall back into place.
As a practice of meditation for beginners, I like to close my eyes and practice deep, slow belly breaths for at least 60 seconds to feel a noticeable difference in my body and mind.
4-4-8 Breathing:
This type of breathing required a bit more practice before I noticed its calming effects. The practice is WORTH IT! When I first started 4-4-8 breathing, it felt strange and almost made me more uncomfortable, but after a few weeks, it became an incredible tool that helped to bring me peace.
To practice the 4-4-8 breath, inhale through your nose for 4 seconds, then hold your breath for 4 seconds, then gently exhale through the mouth for 8 seconds while relaxing your shoulders and any other tight muscles. Let your body relax into the breath. Repeat.
I like to cycle through the 4-4-8 breath at least 3 times when I am having a stressful moment, but you may find that you need more cycles depending on the situation.

If you find you enjoy 4-4-8 breathing, you may want to look into these as well:
- Box breathing
- 4-7-8 breathing
Clearly (hence the reason I wrote about it) the 4-4-8 breath is my favorite, but you may find you prefer one of the other variations!
Prayer is another fantastic form of meditation for beginners, or for anyone. If you believe in God, or any other name by which you refer to Deity, talking to Deity is a fantastic way to tap into spirituality, mindfulness, and peace.
If you’re new to prayer, or if it feels unfamiliar to you, or even if you just want to deepen your spiritual connection while praying, consider the following ideas that can be included in prayer:
- Gratitude. Not only is gratitude a positivity superpower, but it also allows you to recognize the influence of God, or Deity, in your life. I find it very meaningful to thank God for specific joys and blessings I have experienced.
- Supplication, or asking for assistance or aid. I find it helpful to voice the challenges I am facing and ask for divine help or guidance to navigate them.
- Seeking wisdom. Even if I don’t have a particular problem to be solved or a pressing challenge to face, I find spiritual strength in talking with God and by doing so, seeking to gain a better understanding and perspective of life in general. After talking with God in prayer, I try find moments to reflect and listen to what He might have to teach me.
“God speaks in the silence of the heart. Listening is the beginning of prayer.”
mother teresa
Affirmations are such an incredible tool when it comes to living more intentionally! It is also a great stepping stone towards meditation for beginners. Affirmations are positive intentions, ideas, or statements that help to guide your mind and actions.
For example, when if I am feeling stressed or overstimulated, these are some affirmations I find helpful:
- I am peaceful
- I am flexible and able to pivot
- I am patient
What affirmations might be meaningful to you? You may select affirmations related to strength, confidence, integrity, peace, etc.
How to Execute:
Practicing affirmations can be as casual as voicing statements aloud to yourself in front of the mirror each morning. Find a way of practicing affirmations that feels most helpful to you.
My favorite way to voice my affirmations is after a short period of meditation or silence. I practice deep belly breathing with my eyes closed and voice my affirmations on my exhale. I typically recite each affirmation at least 3 times with a deep inhale in between each statement. Sometimes I voice the statements verbally, other times I voice them mentally.
On exhale: “I am peaceful.”
On exhale: “I am flexible.”
On exhale: “I am patient.”
(Repeated 3 times.)
Simple Meditation for Beginners
Okay, if you came here for a more traditional sense of meditation, this is it! This meditation for beginners is about learning to still the mind and feel peace in your body, mind, and spirit. I’ll emphasize the word learning. Your mind will inevitably wander during this practice and that’s okay, just bring it back to a present stillness when you notice you’ve wandered.
Basic Steps of Meditation:
- Make your environment intentional.
- Find a quiet room, or put on some nature sounds if you prefer.
- Find a comfortable seated position.
- I like to sit criss crossed with my palms facing upward, resting on my knees.
- Set a timer for how long you’d like to meditate for,
- As this is meditation for beginners, try starting with 2 or 3 minutes. Gradually increase your time until you find a time amount that feels most beneficial to you.
- Close your eyes.
- Begin deep belly breathing.
- Still your mind by focusing on your breath. In and out, in and out.
- Other thoughts will come, and you’ll occasionally find yourself on a train of thought you didn’t intend to board. That’s okay, just return your attention to your breath. Scolding yourself for thinking of other things will only make it harder to still your mind.
- Many thoughts will come, just let them pass by as you focus on your breath.

A few other tips:
- Select a specific time of day to do your meditation. This will help you stay in the habit of meditation daily. I like to exercise, do a deep stretch session, and then meditate.
- If you’re struggling to keep your mind still, try a guided meditation! Give THIS guided meditation a try! Yoga with Adriene has many guided meditations that are beginner friendly.
- End your meditation session with your affirmations!
As you improve at stilling your mind through mediation, you’ll also improve in controlling your mind and emotions throughout life in general- that’s the beauty of meditation!
Ready for more?!
If you’re looking to continue creating a more intentional life, check out these posts:
Happy meditating!
xoxo, Jade
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