It’s 2025 and I’m buzzing with energy from my new year’s goals! But I’ve found over the years that this initial energy isn’t enough to keep the motivation candle burning all year. One of the greatest tools to stay on course with my goals is to read books that continually motivate and inspire me. Here are the best motivational books that will help you to create a better life for yourself in 2025!
Atomic Habits: Forming and Sticking to Habits
Atomic Habits by James Clear is by far the best book I have read on creating lasting habits. It’s filled with mind altering data and examples that are easy to understand. The author’s formula for sticking to habits is tried and proven. Normally I read digitally on my Kindle, but this book deserved a hardcover copy that I continually refer to and mark up.

Trying to start exercising? Trying to meditate or pray daily? This motivational book contains universal practices that will help you stick to your goals, whatever they may be. Click here to view Atomic Habits on Amazon.
Good Energy: Motivation to Improve Your Overall Health
If you’re looking to improve your overall health and wellness in 2025, Good Energy by Casey Means is the book for you. This book covers EVERYTHING, and I mean everything, when it comes to bettering your diet, avoiding toxins, and even improving your physical and mental well-being through mindfulness practices.

I sought out this book after going through fertility treatments to conceive our son. While I was so grateful for the treatments that helped us to have our baby, I was shocked that I even needed them in the first place. I was young and “healthy”… what was going on? This led me to research all of the ways that our lifestyles and environments have become toxic for our bodies on a cellular level. I’ve started implementing some of the many recommendations found in this book, and I have already felt a major improvement in my overall health!
Of all the motivational books on health you could read, this one will give you a thorough and complete understanding of key practices you should implement to begin your journey.
**Trigger warning: this book focuses heavily on various foods and the nutrients (or lack of nutrients) in them. If you have experienced disordered eating, be very cautious with this book.
To view Good Energy on Amazon, click here.
TLCMOTU: Motivational Book for a Clean Home
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo… it’s a mouthful, but it’s absolutely worth the read. And if it’s any comfort, the book doesn’t feel nearly as wordy as the title. It is a quick and straightforward read about how to declutter and organize in a way that will spark more joy in your life.

Marie Kondo does a great job of explaining how hanging on to a bunch of “stuff” serves no purpose and clouds our thoughts and emotions. Intentionally keeping things that spark joy is the better practice, but take it from her, not me. Her explanations are clear and she takes the reader through a step by step guide of how to declutter and organize your entire home. It’s more simple and manageable than it sounds. I jumped into her decluttering process before I even finished the book. It was motivational to say the least!
Of all the motivational books you could read on tidying, this one packs a real punch while teaching you a simple process.
The Nature Fix: Mental and Physical Health
The healing of nature has unfortunately become a lost idea in our modern society. Florence Williams relays incredible studies and findings that prove natures healing powers in The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, and More Creative.

If you’ve set a “300 hours outside” goal for this year, this book will certainly keep you inspired. Or, if you just don’t get out enough, this book will give you every reason to go enjoy some sunshine.
I will say, this book is longer than it need to be in my opinion, so be prepared to skim. But there are countless incredible insights you’ll find… it’s definitely worth the read!
Click here to view this book on Amazon.
The Happiness Advantage: Positivity and Success
If you set goals having to do with work success (or any type of success at all) or living a more positive lifestyle, you’ll find this book to be GOOD NEWS. The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor focuses on how positivity leads to success, not the other way around.

This motivational book features compelling studies and examples that illustrate the power of positivity. Honestly, I think this book should be part of the welcome packet at every company, it’s that good.
To view The Happiness Advantage on Amazon, click here.
Cheers to 2025!
There you have it! The best motivational books to keep you inspired as you work to complete your goals this year.
Do you have any books I need to add to the list? Recommend them to me, I’d love to read them! You can contact me here.
Happy reading!