Live a Non-Toxic Lifestyle and Avoid the Overwhelm!
I get it, I’ve been down the “what does pthalate mean” and “how much sugar should women eat in day” rabbit holes too. They are never ending and overwhelming. There seem to be a million different things to consider when switching to a non-toxic lifestyle, and that overwhelm can easily prevent one from switching at all.
But GOOD NEWS, it doesn’t have the be that hard! Here are the simple steps I took to begin my journey towards a healthier, non-toxic lifestyle.
Key notes from this article:
- Start reading (don’t worry, it’s just one book)
- Start buying organic
- Create a movement goal
- Create a goal regarding added sugars
A Healthier, Non-Toxic, More Intentional Life
Let me be the first to tell you that I do NOT live a perfectly non-toxic lifestyle. I don’t even think perfection is possible in our environment, to be honest. But what I HAVE done, is implement many changes over time that have made a huge difference in the quality of my life and that of my family.
I don’t think living non-toxic should prevent you from being able to enjoy some of the simple pleasures of life, like a dessert on date night, or eating out with friends.
Here are the first steps I took towards living a healthier, more intentional life:
Read This Book. And Learn WHILE You Implement
Good Energy by Casey Means was the KEY to understanding the basic science of non-toxic living. And while I say “the basics”, this was still some heavy reading for a non-scientific person like me. But it was so worth the read! Casey Means explains the science behind how our food, lifestyles, and environments affect our bodies on a cellular level. I recommend starting her book, and at the same time, implementing the changes I will mention below.

***Trigger Warning*** Please note that this book talks extensively about different elements of foods and their effects on our bodies, whether that be beneficial or detrimental. If you have experienced disordered eating, be very cautious as you consider whether or not to read this book.
After a deep dive of the science, Casey shares an extensive and thorough list of all of the different ways to implement non-toxic living. This list is gold, but it’s also incredibly overwhelming, so I recommend starting with the following steps (steps that I took!) while you read.
The key here is to make the following changes right as you begin to read the book. (Don’t wait to make changes until after reading the book, because the book can’t be gobbled down in one setting, it’s too much to digest.)
Bonus tip: Get the hardcover! This is what I did- I have highlighted and marked all over this book so that it is easy for me to refer to in the future!
Start Buying Organic
It sounds simple, and it is, but that doesn’t mean it’s not still a difficult change! As a pretty price conscious person, it was hard for me to opt for organic produce and meat at the grocery store. I was literally frozen looking at the price tags the first few times. I struggled to justify the increased price.
But, as I started noticing the benefits to my health that non-toxic food was bringing me, spending a little extra became so worth it! Also, as I continued reading Good Energy, I began realizing that the food we consume literally affects every process of our body.
So, while it might feel overly simple, buying organic food that hasn’t been influenced by pesticides and other toxins is an incredible first step to take!
Bonus tip: Start with buying organic produce and meat. Once you have become accustomed to this, make the switch to organic in your other grocery categories as well!
Bonus budget tip: I’ve found that while organic food does cost more, focusing on eating whole foods has also filled me much better than ultra-processed snacks. Eating whole foods that are filling is a good way to offset your additional costs.
Create a Movement Goal
Ever heard the phrase “movement is medicine”? It’s true! Regular, consistent movement is a key to implementing a healthy, non-toxic lifestyle. Create a realistic exercise or movement goal for yourself and start there.
For me, I was already regularly exercising, but I noticed a great opportunity for more consistent movement throughout the day, so I set a steps goal of getting at least 7,000 steps per day with plans to work up to 10,000 steps per day.
You could consider making goals having to do with the following:
- Exercise for 30 mins x times/week
- Get outside for a 15 minute walk each day
- Daily step goal
- Strength training x times/week
Create a Goal Regarding Added Sugars
The average American’s body is being overloaded with sugar each day, and this causes catastrophic damage to our cells’ processes. You’ll be able to learn more of the specifics of this as you read Good Energy by Casey Means. As you take your first steps to creating a non-toxic lifestyle, pay attention to your sugars!
Start by paying attention to how much sugar (particularly added sugar) you’re consuming per day and make a goal to cut it out or lessen it. My current goal is to avoid all added sugars except for special occasions, like sharing a dessert on date night.
Minimizing your added sugar intake will be a key first step in living a healthier, non-toxic lifestyle.
Grow As You Go – Next Steps for the Non-Toxic Lifestyle
After a few weeks or months, these steps will start to become second nature to you, and this is the perfect time to make additional changes- like baking your own bread, swapping out your toxic cleaning products, or opting for clean beauty products! I’ll share another blog post on my favorite non-toxic beauty products and cleaning supplies soon!
And just like that, you’re on your way to living a non-toxic lifestyle! Never stop learning as you go and continue to implement changes you feel would be valuable to you and your loved ones!
I’d love to hear from you!
These first steps were game changers for me! Let me know how it’s going for you!
You can reach me via this contact form.